by UniQuest | Dec 16, 2020 | Dementia, Research, Traumatic Brain Injury
CarFreeMe research trials are now back on deck after a pause during COVID-19 due to contact restrictions. Participating in the CarFreeMe study involves a flexible program to help people transition smoothly to a life which is not reliant on driving a car: with the aim...
by admin | Feb 17, 2017 | Research, Traumatic Brain Injury
A CarFreeMe trial program for people with traumatic injury starts in South Australia. Researchers will evaluate the effectiveness of The University of Queensland’s CarFreeMe program for people with a moderate or severe traumatic injury. ...
by admin | Aug 2, 2016 | Research, Traumatic Brain Injury
The Car Free Me team have developed a new variant of the program specifically for people affected by traumatic injury, and their families. The program follows the same evidence-based effective methodology as the original Car Free Me program and an evaluation of its...
by admin | May 19, 2016 | CarFreeMe in the news, Traumatic Brain Injury
September 29, 2015 An evaluation of the effectiveness of CarFreeMe for people with complex trauma injuries and their families has been given the green light, thanks to funding from The Lifetime Support Authority (LSA). Led by Flinders...