A CarFreeMe trial program for people with traumatic injury starts in South Australia.
Researchers will evaluate the effectiveness of The University of Queensland’s CarFreeMe program for people with a moderate or severe traumatic injury.
CarFreeMe is an education and support program to improve community mobility, participation and connection for people who retire from driving.
People who have complex traumatic injury and are unable to drive can experience poorer physical and mental health outcomes and reduced community participation, says Flinders University Associate Professor Stacey George.
“Many people experience a great sense of loss when they are unable to drive, and the group also explores ways to deal with these feelings, like using meditation and mindfulness.”
“We evaluate the group using GPS devices and surveys, and we have received excellent feedback from people involved in the group so far.” says Associate Professor George.
Group sessions will be held over a 6 week period at Flinders University, 182 Victoria Square, Adelaide.
South Australians who have sustained a complex trauma injury and are socially isolated as a result of not being able to drive are welcome to find out more about the CarFreeMe workshops.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Amy Nussio on 0431 500 895.
This project is being funded by the Lifetime Support Authority.
For more information about CarFreeMe, please contact the UQ CarFreeMe team at contact@carfreeme.com.au.